Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The return of my Trigeminal Neuralgia

When I around 40 I started having trouble with Trigeminal Neuralgia. This condition creates intense facial pain on one side or the other and is triggered by eating, talking or touching the side of the face. It does come and go, sometimes months pass before it starts up again. There is some medication that is helpful but it makes me disoriented physically and mentally (just what I need).

I had a Gamma Knife procedure about 10 years ago which seemed to keep the TN at bay with a few short exceptions.

It has now returned and has affected my ability to eat or talk pain free. I reluctantly started back on the medications that seemed to help last time. I am also taking acupuncture which seemed to help somewhat years ago.

At least I am not on chemo for the next two weeks. My brother-in-law Roger arrives from Florida this afternoon for a two week stay. Hopefully we will be able to get out and do some things.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you are in pain. Hope the acupuncture can help. Thanks for the suggestion of the acupuncture for my IVF. I'm going to look for more information about it.

I hope you feel better soon! See you next weekend.



Anonymous said...


You may not recall, but about 19 years ago you were responsible for starting my career at Linde (Airco) when you recruited me at Penn State. I just wanted to pass along my regards and encouragement as you travel this difficult path. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Chuck Druck